Friday, November 16, 2012

A New Beginning

Since I was thirteen, upto about the time I turned twenty four, I used to write journals. Of course for the most part these journals were filled up with the typical melodramatic ramblings of a confused and frustrated teenager trying to adjust to the reality of life. Sometimes there were poems or the lyrics of my favorite songs or stickers of my favorite cartoons or simply more ramblings!

I wrote through middle school and high school and college and sporadically through the first year ot so of my marriage. But then, I stopped. I was overcome by life and it was simply too much! I had so much going on that I barely processed it in my head and there was absolutely no time left for me to write about it.

Eventually I started to feel like I was missing something. I began to itch for a way to express myself. I kept thinking of writing again....But unfortunately, I was standing in my own way. I did not realize that until now of course that it was my fears, or inhibitions or whatchamacallit that prevented me.

Long story short, after a lot of frustration and a lot of overcoming of inhibitions I came up with this blog so that I could write all my thoughts, my opinions, my wishes, my deliberation and my wonder.

Just like Dumbledore, this is going to be my pensive: a place where I hold all my memories and my thoughts. Where I can dip in a few years later and look at my part self, if for no other reason than just to see how far I have come since then.

This is where I want to record my journey - as a citizen of this universe, as a girl, as a woman, a student, a parent, a teacher, a child, an observer, a doer, a thinker, a writer and any other role that I might take up in this life as I grow.

So here's to a new beginning of the same journey!

blue nail paint & kohl